Thursday, July 23, 2009

My littliest boy is 10 months

J is now 10 months.
He is still very tactile, poking, scratching and biting.
He is mostly breastfed with an eagerness to try what everyone else is eating. He is a social person, always wanting to play with his sister and brothers.
He is standing on his own, cruising, trying to take steps between the gaps.

The school holidays went by quickly. The big kids stayed with their Nan for a few days and we didn't have any 'bored' days.
Their school reports were good to see. Reading is a strong point for them both.
I continue to think about unschooling and have found many opportunities for the children to learn while at home and its so rewarding to be able to teach them new things. Av, who is very independant and stubborn, has even asked me to help him count to 10. He likes to count his own way - 1, 2, 6, 4, 7 etc.
I love my kids very much even on the challenging days like today where I can barely move due to illness and having my youngest two get upset because they feel just like me.

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