Sunday, February 14, 2010

Orgasmic Birth



I mentioned orgasmic birth to my mum the other day. And she was taken aback, people don't think birth can be enjoyed. It reminded me of this film. I hadn't seen it but as it was mentioned a few times and I had the opportunity to see it in Warrnambool, we decided to take the trip there. Its about 3.5 hours from where we live.  I found the film shocking. Not because I don't think birth is sexual. But because of the interventions in the hospital births shown in the film. I found it traumatic to watch. I have seen babies taken from the womb on TV and I always find it distressing. But aside from that I found it an elightening film and when Dr Sarah J Buckley said something to the effect that society doesn't want women to own their birth experiences, to feel empowered, imagine what that may do to `our (patriarchal) society that is the crux of it I reckon. They took an intimate experience from the bedroom and put into a medicalised situation. Sometimes hurting 90% to help the 10% that may have problems.

Warrnambool is a beautiful place. It was my first time visiting. We took a walk around the coast and J loved it. He walked most of the time, even climbing over rocky parts. The sand was firm and a grey white colour, the water a lovely blue. It was a beautiful area.

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