Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cooking and mish mash in June

I have been thinking the camera I have is not that great but I am working out to use it and I am getting better results. There may be hope for me yet. I bought the camera because I felt I needed it and thought I could buy a better one and give this one to my daughter.

I have got very behind in blog posts so I will share a few things.
Av has been drawing and writing which is awesome.

We visited the school on the last day of term for school sports. My daughter won an award for sportsmanship in her grade level. She won a movie ticket so I took her to see Mamaduke.

Something else we have been getting into is learning to cook. My staple meals that I make are pasta, simple and cheap. I make a mean pasta sauce! I also make stir fry. All vegetarian of course.  Apart from that I am not much of a cook. Av is very much into cutting vegetables and helping with cooking and we have felt inspired to learn to make a few things from scratch.

This is pesto pizza which is delicious! I have been even baking which is not really my thing. Using apple and pear to make pastries. We also made hash brown from scratch which is quite involved. Next on the list is making our own bread. Artisan bread sounds interesting.

I am still knitting and crochet more than I probably need to! I just can't help myself. Mostly hats atm.

                                       Handwarmers for my daughter and I in Cascade Heathers red.

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