Sunday, November 06, 2011

Crawling baby

We have settled okay into our new home and though its far from perfect we can make do. &nbsp;Day has been crawling and getting around the place. A typical day sees him crawl/play/discover, feed, sleep and repeat. He is 6 months in about 5 days and I amazeId at his character &nbsp;that is shining through. He smiles, laughs, giggles and enjoys being tactile as well as all those wonderful things most babies do. He also cries which surprises some people as he is so calm and easy going.<br /

I am working on a new pattern which I hope I can release as my first paid pattern.<br />
Its crochet shortalls for babies.<br />

I have been enjoying &nbsp;steep learning curve with new technology. I have a Asus transformer. I bought it primarily to use while knitting/crocheting as I heard people usingiPad for that purpose. After much research I thought the TF101 was the best option. I am quite happy with it though having not ever owned an android phone or tablet its all news to me. One thing that I can't do is edit photos ie. rearange or drag photos into my project pages on Ravelry. &nbsp;Yesterday I discovered Ballero, Ravulous as well as County Plus which can be synced with Ravelry which is great. I really like the ease of Ballero and it has a local yarn store locator which I imagine would be useful with a phone especially.

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