Friday, April 27, 2012

Chess and dominoes

My daughter had been wanting some more clothing and having put her off for a few weeks to having to pay off the car registration, we finally had the chance to go to a few local opportunity shops. She managed to find an outfit she adores - cosplay is a term (as far as I understand it) used to describe costume play for people to dress as anime characters. The outfit consisted of cap, cardigan, tee, skirt, knee high socks and shoes. She did very well, I thought. I also scored Chess set, a set of dominoes, plus wetsuit. N set out to learn how to play Chess a couple of months ago and enjoys to play. The dominoes a hit too and I m going to have to get more.

My daughter is finding her time out of school a success and has no plans to return. She is enjoying drawing which is fantastic as she has a real talent for it that I believe went along the wayside as the school didn't do art so much.

N turned 9 last Sunday. I know these days, hospitals are evicting babies before they are ready but I felt no pressure to have an induction and went into spontaneous labour with him at 42 weeks. It was an exhausting pregnancy but with no morning sickness to speak of, it was at least more bearable than my other pregnancies. We had just moved house and he decided to join  us. It was a difficult labour for me, I had a midwife constantly at my side making me feel incredibly uncomfortable. I really wanted her to leave. She discussed baby names and circumcision with my husband and while I was in transition suggested I get dressed. I had a borderline third degree tear and I suffered for the first 6 weeks as if I was nauseated. I was advised to have a c-section with subsequent babies but at the time thought 2 children would be enough.

I am wanting him to homeschool but he is not as keen so I am trying my best to support him as I am worried he is starting to feel conflicted. I think he has realised you don't need school to learn but enjoys even if it is boring, repetitive and easy for him. Or as he told me today "Its in the realm of ordinary." He is an autodidact and has the ability to discover things and learn on his own. Most of what he tells me goes over my head, being science and maths based.

J likes to write out J with the dominoes in 'monster' and other sizes.

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